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2018 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Vocational Rehabilitation:

Enhancing the Quality of Vocational Rehabilitation Services

National Chang-hua University of Education, Taiwan
02-05 October 2018




  The 2018 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Vocational Rehabilitation: Enhancing the Quality of Vocational Rehabilitation Services is a four-day event which includes two round-table discussion (pre-meeting and post-meeting) and a two-day symposium.

  The theme includes international trends in professional development, services model and system in different countries, the quality assurance and performance measurement in vocational rehabilitation services. It aims to provide an opportunity to exchange and share the ideas, research findings, academic and practical experiences of different countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

  We also wish to create a communication platform for vocational rehabilitation profession in the Asia-Pacific region to periodically exchange visit, to share both the academic and practical experiences, and to facilitate future collaboration plans.



澳洲講者介紹 Speakers from Australia

Dr. Nicholas Buys(澳洲格里菲斯大學)


    Nicholas Buys先生目前是格里菲斯大學衛生學院學習與教學院長,他過去曾擔任人類服務學系及人類服務研究中心主任,與來自美國、中國、加拿大、瑞士、香港、瑞典、荷蘭等國家的學者進行國際合作,曾在職業重建、障礙管理、慢性疾病預防、健康促進等領域發表超過175篇論文。他同時他也是澳洲復健諮商協會(ASORC)創始會員。

 Professor Nicholas Buys is the Dean, Learning & Teaching in the Health Faculty at Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. Formerly, he was Head, School of Human Services and Director of the Research Centre for Human Services at Griffith.

 Professor Buys has over 175 peer-reviewed publications in the areas such as vocational rehabilitation, disability management, chronic disease prevention and health promotion. He has developed international collaborations with researchers in the USA, China, Canada, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Sweden and the Netherlands. He was also a founder member of the Australian Society of Rehabilitation Counsellors (ASORC).

Dr. Lynda R. Matthews(澳洲雪梨大學復健諮商所)


 Lynda R. Matthews女士目前是雪梨大學復健諮商研究所所長,其研究領域為創傷後心理健康症狀、次發性心理損傷、精神障礙與復健、勞工因職業災害死亡對家庭的影響等,曾在這些領域發表超過60篇論文,並協助完成數份報告書供澳洲政府諮議。



 Lynda Matthews, PhD, is a Qualified Rehabilitation Counsellor and Head of Rehabilitation Counselling at the University of Sydney. For 20 years Lynda has been promoting psychiatric/psychosocial rehabilitation as a means to improve function, reduce disability, and promote recovery. She has over 60 peer-reviewed publications, and has contributed to several reports to government. Key research areas include rehabilitation of posttraumatic mental health conditions, secondary psychological injuries, psychiatric disability and recovery, and consequences of traumatic workplace injury fatalities for families. 

 Lynda is the rehabilitation advisor for the Australian Federal Government in the area of Veterans Affairs (since 2004) and Defence (since 2013). She was psychosocial rehabilitation expert to the National Health and Medical Research Council’s PTSD Treatment Guidelines produced by Phoenix Australia (2007, 2013) and President of the Australasian Society for Traumatic Stress Studies in 2006-07.

Dr. Michael Millington(澳洲雪梨大學復健諮商所


     Michael Millington先生目前是雪梨大學復健諮商研究所副教授及課程委員會主席,同時也是該校健康科學系身心障礙研究與政策中心及WHO合作中心成員,他在復健諮商領域的實務工作、研究及教育養成方面擁有25年的經驗。他已發表超過70篇論文探討未來復健諮商專業在促進社區融合發展上所扮演的角色。



    Michael J. Millington, PhD is a Senior Lecturer and Course Director for the Rehabilitation Counselling Discipline at the University of Sydney, and an Associate of both the Centre for Disability Research and Policy, and the WHO Collaborating Centre at the Faculty of Health Sciences. He has 25 years experience as a practitioner, researcher, and educator in the field of rehabilitation counselling. His 70+ publications document a career of research and thought regarding the role of inclusive community development in the future of rehabilitation counselling. He has spent the past three years designing and implementing a new RC curriculum based on the principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, the practice frame work of Community-based Rehabilitation, and the biopsychosocial epistemology of the International Classification of Function.

    He is also working in international partnership with NCUE and other universities in the Asia Pacific Region to build an RC educators community of practice, and is collaborating with national universities in Fiji and the Solomon Islands to build training modules for teaching community-based rehabilitation.

Dr. Vanette McLennan(澳洲格里菲斯大學健康科學聯合學院)



     Vanette McLennan女士目前是格里菲斯大學健康科學聯合學院副教授,並於該學院復健諮商碩士班有多年的授課經驗,包括:復健諮商專業導論、職業評量、就業機會開發與安置、個人中心個案管理等,她同時也是孟席斯健康研究所霍普金斯研究中心的復健與復原研究團隊成員,並督導研究所等級的實習生執行脊隨損傷病患的職業重建早期介入方案。她過去在澳洲曾有多年的私部門復健諮商實務工作經驗,也曾擔任澳洲復健諮商協會的主席與學術教育顧問。


   Dr. Vanette McLennan (PhD, BHlthSci(RC)(Hons), MRCAA) is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Allied Health Sciences at Griffith University, in which she teaches in the Master of Rehabilitation Counselling and Graduate Certificate in Case Management.

韓國講者介紹 Speakers from Korea

Dr. Woon Hwan Na(韓國大邱大學)


    Na Woon Hwan先生是大邱大學(韓國第一個設立職業重建系的大學)教授,是發展南韓職業重建服務的主要專家,在其領導下曾促成國家制訂數個重要的法案(如:身心障礙者就業促進與職業重建法案、嚴重障礙者生產產品之優先採購法案)。他目前是政府數個重要的政策委員會成員(如:衛生福利部身心障礙者整合福利委員會、就業與勞工部社會企業委員會),同時也是韓國職業重建協會(KSVR)及韓國職業復健諮商師協會(KAVRC)名譽會長、國際復健組織韓國代表團(RI Korea)副主席、韓國身心障礙者復健協會(KSRPD)副理事長。



    Dr. Woon Hwan Na is currently a professor at the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, Daegu University. He is qualified as a vocational rehabilitation counselor and social worker, and his research and academic areas include vocational rehabilitation, rehabilitation counseling, and rehabilitation policies. 

    As a leading expert in the field of Vocational Rehabilitation in South Korea, Dr. Na has contributed significantly in the making of various national policies such as the "Act on employment promotion and vocational rehabilitation for disabled persons" and the "Preferential purchase of products manufactured by persons with significant disabilities". He serves as an expert in various governmental committees such as the Committee of Coordinating Welfare of People with Disabilities(Ministry of Health & Welfare), Rehabilitation Institutes Steering Committee(Ministry of Land, Transport, and Maritime Affairs), and the Social Enterprise Committee(Ministry of Employment and Labor). 

    Dr. Na is an honorary president of the Korean Society of Vocational Rehabilitation (established in 1991) and the Korea Association of Rehabilitation Counselor (established in 2010). He is also serving as chairman of RI Korea’s and vice president Koreans Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities(KSRPD).

    Recently, he is serving as the head of the national exam committee for rehabilitation counselor.

Dr. Seung-Won Jeong(韓國又石大學)

    Jeong Seung-Won女士是又石大學復健系教授,其研究領域為職業重建服務系統、職業評量、職業復健諮商、身心障礙者就業機會開發與就業安置等。她對職業評量人員角色及資格認證系統的研究曾在2016年獲得韓國職業復健諮商師協會職業重建學術獎項。她同時也是一名認證職業復健諮商師。

    Dr. Seung-Won Jeong is a Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation at Woosuk University. Her research interests include Vocational Rehabilitation Service System, Vocational Evaluation, Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling, Job Development and Placement of individuals with disabilities.

    Her study on the Role of Vocational Evaluator and the Direction of Vocational Evaluator Qualification System had won the 2016 "Vocational Rehabilitation Academic Award" from the Korean Society of Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor.

    Dr. Jeong is also a Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor in South Korea.

美國講者介紹 Speakers from United States

Dr. David Strauser(美國伊利諾大學香檳校區運動與社區健康系教授)

    David Strauser(史昭士)先生目前是美國伊利諾大學香檳校區運動與社區健康系教授,其研究領域為身心障礙的心理社會觀、多元文化諮商、身心障礙者生涯輔導、復健評量、職業需求面觀點與結果評量。Dr. Strauser在職業重建實務與研究領域有超過15年的服務經驗,他同時擔任「復健研究、政策及教育」期刊的主編及美國復健教育委員會的委員,並兼任多個職業重建相關方案的顧問及方案評鑑委員。他目前也是國立彰化師範大學復健諮商研究所講座教授。


    Dr. David Strauser is a Professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Community Health at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research interests focus on the Psychosocial Issues of Individuals with Disabilities, Multicultural Counseling, Career Counseling with Individuals with Disabilities, Assesment in Rehabilitation, Employment Needs Assessment and Outcome Measurement.

    Dr. Strauser has over 15 years of experience in vocational rehabilitation practice and research. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of “Rehabilitation Research, Policy, and Education” and a member of the American Rehabilitation Education Committee. He also serves as a consultant for various programs of vocational rehabilitation and program evaluation committee. He is also a Chair Professor in the Graduate Institute of Rehabilitation Counseling at the National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan since 2015.


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